Sabretooth, Fox Comet, When Karma Sleeps & Red Huxley at Mercury

Saturday 27 August 2011

Four bands in one night is always pretty intense and Mercury’s line up of Sabretooth, Fox Comet, When Karma Sleeps and Red Huxley last Saturday was both pretty intense and loads of fun.

Fox Comet  Sabretooth

While I’d heard of all 4 bands I’d only seen Sabretooth and Fox Comet before, and had enjoyed both enough to want to see them again (especially Fox Comet).  First up though was Red Huxley. A few minutes before they started, a guy with long hair and shorts hopped onto the stage and stuck a sign saying ‘Red Huxley’ up behind the drums (which wasn’t removed until Fox Comet, so WKS had it up when they performed too); I was surprised that he wasn’t actually a member of the band and that Red Huxley is a trio (just because there aren’t a huge number of trios around).

They have a pretty straight-up rock sound, not usually my thing but I did enjoy the bulk of their set (and thought the third track, whatever it was, was particularly cool).

Up next was the other band I’d yet to hear, When Karma Sleeps. First off, I listen to very few female musicians and even fewer female-fronted bands, not for any specific reason, it just so happens that of the vocal music I listen to, most of it is sung by guys. So I always need a bit more convincing from female singers…

WKS weren’t really my thing, they reminded me a bit of Paramore (except with less annoying vocals) of whom I’m not a fan, but they had a lot of energy which was entertaining to watch.

I saw Fox Comet for the first time back at the end of June and thought they were awesome, so was really looking forward to seeing them again. They didn’t disappoint – such a fun band to watch and with really cool and infectious music.

Sabretooth also put on another great show. Again, stylistically they’re not my thing but they’re damn good at what they do and are very entertaining to watch.

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On Facebook:   Sabretooth   |   Fox Comet   |   When Karma Sleeps    |   Red Huxley

Photos on Facebook over here.




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3 Responses to Sabretooth, Fox Comet, When Karma Sleeps & Red Huxley at Mercury

  1. james says:

    Your pictures are shit.

  2. Pingback: Artist Profile: Fox Comet | Texx and the City

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