My little Lynx…

Wednesday 17 August 2011

It’s true that hardships come in twos – another life lost too soon this week belonged to my dear cat Lynx, whose curious little face is smiling at you from the top of this site.
My mom, brother and I are all allergic to cats so never had pets, but I was so desperate for one that I adopted a great diving beetle we found in the pool when I was 7 (and bizarrely it died on the 17th of August too). One day in 2001 a ginger cat adopted us and brought another one with him a little while later. We called the original cat Hammond (because he used to eat the ham off our uneaten school sandwiches) and his white-tinged friend Lynx, because of his  pointed eartips.

Our love for those ginger nuts grew into a bit of an obsession and we’ve collected a formidible bunch of furry friends since they first appeared. How there can be people that dismiss cats is beyond me – they’re as unique as people (and even more human than some) with their own quirks and personalities.

For some nerdy weekend project or something back when having pets was new to me, I made a ‘personality profile’ of each of our cats, Lynx’s likes were listed as: sleeping, chatting, being cuddled, eating, cardboard boxes, purring – a simple creature but a lovely one. Puff never stopped purring. He was gentle and friendly and, even in his early teens, still as playful as a little kitten. He was hyper-possesive of a certain chair, had a really cute little voice and loved singing – that is, if you sang to him, (the higher the better) he’d go into a blissed out state and start purring and nuzzling you.

I’m grateful for the 10 years he chose to spend with us, I’m just sorry there won’t be more and that his life had to be taken from him.

Dinks  me & Lynx

Lynkie  Felix, Lynx & Hamond

Puff  Puff

Paws  Goofy Puff

Lynx  Dinks

Goodbye my poor boy Lynkie, I’m really going to miss you.


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