2 May
This is one of the last photos of our dear ginger boy Hammond, taken yesterday morning. We don’t know exactly how old he was but was at least 3 when he adopted us in 2001 so must’ve been around 18. Though we’ve known it was coming for a while his loss has still been hard to accept and my bed felt empty without him last night…he’s been around through thick and thin, a brawler in his youth and battle-scarred in old age he was always a character to say the least. As his health deteriorated it became my mom’s running joke anytime he’d do something crotchety or unfortunate about it being time to send him to Valhalla…I thought a lot about that, wondering if those who don’t die in battle would go to Valhalla. Well in true style our boy put up a fight to the end, even as our dear vet gently explained it was heart failure and it was his time, he got in one final swipe before the tranquilizer lulled him to sleep. Enjoy Valhalla you crazy bastard, we miss you already ♥